Can I customize the templates?

Yes, absolutely! Our templates are designed to be fully customizable. You can personalize text, colors, fonts, and more to suit your event perfectly.

How do I edit the templates?

Editing our templates is easy and convenient. After purchase, you'll receive access to our editing platform, Templett.com. From there, you can personalize your design directly in your web browser.

Can I see a preview before purchasing?

Yes! We offer the option to preview your design before making a purchase. Simply click on the product description to access the preview link and test out how your design will look.

What file formats are available for download?

You can download your customized designs in PDF or JPG format, whichever is more suitable for your needs.

How do I pay for my orders?

We accept payments via Paypal and all major credit and debit cards such as Mastercard, VISA and American Express.

How long does it take to receive my digital download?

Once your purchase is complete, you'll receive instant access to your template through Templett.com. No waiting for shipping – you can start customizing right away!

I have a discount code, how can I use it?

Key in the voucher code at the field “Voucher Code” and click “Add” in your Shopping Cart page before proceeding to check out. Please note that we are unable to manually apply the voucher code to your order if you have missed keying it during check out. Kindly ensure that all information is correct before confirming your purchase.

 What if I have trouble editing my template?

If you encounter any difficulties while editing your template, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team (vowpaperie@gmail.com) We're here to help you every step of the way.

Can I use your templates for commercial purposes?

Our templates are intended for personal use only. Commercial use or resale of our designs is not permitted.